Monday 20 January 2014

DART Flight School


Dart helps you build modern web apps with a new language, core libraries, and tools such as a package manager, editor, and a compiler to JavaScript. Use Angular with Dart for extra jet fuel. 

Dart hit 1.0 and is now Flight Ready! Developer communities around the world are hosting Dart Flight School events during the month of February 2014. Google Students' Club-GIT with Google Developers Group is proud to organize DART flight school in Belgaum.

We have Mr. Jonathan Pereira from GDG Goa as the speaker for the event.

Dart flight school photo dart_zpsebb9b9c4.png

*It is MANDATORY to follow us on all LINKS mentioned on the RIGHT PANE of this BLOG*

Registrations are now open at:
I’m attending GDG Belgaum event for 1st Time 

*This time Google is sending a small swag for every attendee. Do register yourself first and share this post with your friends :) *


Date  :  22nd Feb 2014    Venue: KLS Gogte Institute of Technology
Click here! for directions to the venue!

Join Us Here!  :

Limited Seats: 300 people for Tech-Talk, 35 people shortlisted for Code-Lab depending on technical expertise and participation in previous GDG Belgaum events.


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